About the Journal

SOPHOS - A Young Researchers’ Journal  is a journal for young researchers assembled in projects of the Scientific and Research Incubator (ZINK)(https://ziink.wordpress.com/), founded on 2 July 2007 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. The intention of the journal is to recognize the scientific and research interests of researchers which publishes works in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language, encompassing all fields of science practiced at the university.

Articles, translations and book reviews may be contributed. Articles and translations should contain no more than 15 – 20 pages (circa 8000 words), while book reviews should not exceed 3 – 5 pages (circa 1500 – 2000 words). All contributions should be organized in accordance to the standards applied at the indexed journals in Europe and elsewhere. Articles should be written in accordance with the AIMRAD (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) structure of the scientific article. All articles should contain an abstract followed by key words. Abstract is a summary of  the article (circa 10 lines), containing a short description of the goal, methods and results of the paper. The abstract and key words are written in mother tongue and in English. The articles should contain the following elements: title, data on the author and the institution, abstract in the author’s mother tongue and in English, key words in the mother tongue and in English, introduction (an overview of the past works / hypothesis in the same thematic field, materials and methods, presentation of evidence, hypothesis of the entire work, goals, expected results), text divided into chapters, conclusion and references (sources, references, bibliography). References must be titled on English too.
The content and bibliographical notes should be clearly differentiated in the text. Content notes describe and clarify the text in greater detail. They are written under a line at the bottom of the text. Bibliographical notes refer to citations – i.e. to a precise section of the text cited from another publication. They are inserted into the text and contain the name of the author, year in which the cited work was published and the page where the cited section can be found (Frege, 1964, 88). Complete data on the source or on that particular bibliographical reference is provided in the list of sources. All submitted contributions are subject to expert assessment (review). Reviewers are members of the Sophos journal board of reviewers, consisting of Sarajevo University employees, experts in a particular field of science.

Current Issue

No. 17 (2024): Sophos: A Young Researchers’ Journal
					View No. 17 (2024): Sophos: A Young Researchers’ Journal
Published: 20.12.2024

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