Spirited away – Analiza sadržaja filma u kontekstu relacije tradicionalnog i modernog / Spirited Away – Analysis of the Content of the Film in the Context of the Relationship of Traditional and Modern


  • Adnan Hatibović University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet
  • Tomislav Tadić University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet




Spirited Away, modernity, traditional, capitalism


In this paper, we deal with a critical analysis of the film Spirited Away and its related social and humanistic implications relevant for the understanding of some important aspects of high modernity. We will point out the 1. dimensions of the film that speak of the capitalist mode of human existence, 2. aporeticity in the understanding of social work, 3. the issue of consumerism, 4. cultural reconfiguration in the understanding of “multiple modernity”. 5. hectic relationship between the sociologically equivalent categories of traditionality and modernity.


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How to Cite

Hatibović, A., & Tadić, T. (2024). Spirited away – Analiza sadržaja filma u kontekstu relacije tradicionalnog i modernog / Spirited Away – Analysis of the Content of the Film in the Context of the Relationship of Traditional and Modern. SOPHOS: A Young Researchers’ Journal, (17), 35–66. https://doi.org/10.46352/18403867.2024.35

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